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赵丽颖代言《花千骨》 亮相发布会

Zhao Liying endorsement "spend thousands of bone" conference

2015-05-22 17:28:12来源: 4399

《花千骨》手游在北京举行的发布会,金鹰女神赵丽颖昨天隆重出席。相信赵丽颖与《花千骨》手游的合作能够给众多的玩家带来更多福利。那就跟着4399沉尘一起来看看吧! 颖宝走在中间穿着一身米白色印花礼服,在工作人员的保护下,正在向我们的发布会的会场走去。“颖火虫“们开始激动了吧,哈哈~~ ...

"spend thousands of bone" tour in Beijing held the conference debut, Jinying goddess Zhao Liying yesterday attended a grand. Believe Zhao Liying and the flower bones hand travel cooperation to bring more players to bring more benefits. Then follow the 4399 dust to see it.! Ying Bao walked in the middle of a white dress in a meter white dress, under the protection of staff, is going to our conference venue. The "Ying fire insects" were excited, haha ~ ~ ~ ~...