新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游市场有巨大的陷阱需抱团取暖


Mobile Games market there is a huge trap to Baotuan heating

2015-04-25 10:37:27来源: 中国网

原标题:37手游徐志高:手游市场有巨大的陷阱需抱团取暖 GMGC2015大会上37手游的总裁徐志高发表了《2015手游重度化趋势下的暗潮汹涌》的主题演讲。徐志高认为手游市场酝酿着巨大的机会、巨大的可能,但也有巨大的陷阱。 对于目前手游市场,徐志高表示一方面越来越多的个人、企业、团...

original title: 37 Mobile Games Xu Zhigao: Mobile Games market there is a huge trap to Baotuan heating GMGC2015 conference 37 Mobile Games President Xu Zhigao issued a "2015 Mobile Games severe trend of surging undercurrent" theme speech. Xu Zhigao believes that the market Mobile Games brewing a huge, huge opportunities, but also huge trap. For the current Mobile Games market, Xu Zhigao said that on the one hand more and more individual, enterprise, group...

标签: 手游