新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同名人气电视剧改编手游《武媚娘传奇》上手体验


The namesake popular TV series adapted Mobile Games "Wu Mei Niang legend" started to experience

2015-02-03 12:46:27来源: 4399

《武媚娘传奇》是当下热门的同名电视剧改编而成手游巨作,一直以来倍受关注,自1月30日公测后更是人气爆棚,小编也是急不可耐的下载来玩了一番,给大家分享一下感想! ▍ 极致精美,华丽绚烂,视觉效果出众 一打开游戏,霸气侧漏的武媚娘就将小编深深吸引——繁复华美的头饰,细腻精致的服饰,女王范...

"Wu Mei Niang legend" is the popular TV series of the same name adapted Mobile Games giant, has attracted much attention, since January 30th the beta is bursting with personality, Xiaobian also Can't wait to download and play a lot, to share a man supremely delicate feelings!, gorgeous, outstanding visual effects in a open game, aggressive side leakage of the Wu Mei Niang will Xiaobian deeply attracted -- headgear complicated gorgeous, exquisite costumes, queen...

标签: 手游