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"Unparalleled" of ordinary people

2021-08-11 19:53:00来源: 触乐

“对光荣那堆‘无双’,我的感情挺复杂的。小时候没玩过多少游戏,刚开始接触,玩起来特别爽,千人斩万人敌嘛,小学生都喜欢。但后来接触了更多游戏,又把‘无双’扔到了一边了。”谈到对“真·三国无双”系列的印象时,李达描述了段随时间变化的感受。 “无双哪儿有‘塞尔达’‘银河战士’‘鬼泣’之类的好玩啊?你要说它有没有特色,那当然有,但你非说最喜欢的游戏是个‘无双’,其实你可以多试试别的……所以上了大学,时间也多了,‘真·三国无双’之类的游戏在我

& ldquo; To the pile of Glory & amp; lsquo; Unparalleled & amp; rsquo;, My feelings are very complicated. When I was a child, I didn't play many games. At the beginning of contact, it was very cool. Thousands of people cut thousands of enemies. Primary school students like it. But then I came into contact with more games and put & amp; lsquo; Unparalleled & amp; rsquo; Threw it aside& amp; rdquo; Talking about & amp; ldquo; True & amp; middot; & amp; rdquo; Series of impressions, Lida described a period of feelings that changed over time.