新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《失控玩家》很好看,但我们有一点点失望【VG聊天室474】


"Out of control player" is very good, but we are a little disappointed [VG chat room 474]

2021-08-30 17:18:36来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台。本期节目链接:网易云音乐|荔枝|B站|喜马拉雅FM音频:视频:《失控玩家》电影上周上映,相信会有很多游戏玩家去电影院观看本片,Lost和苏活也火速看完,赶紧来跟大家分享一波,因为是观后感,所以有剧透,请大家注意。参与人:Lost、苏活OP/ED:Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus本期听点:00:01:32 电影上映前的期待00:02:30 观影后的评价00:05:07 内容讨论00:11:55 电影中的《FreeCity》与《Lift itself》两款游戏00:30:50 小总结更多节目,请点击下方节目单:

VG chat room has been logged into major FM platforms. Link to this program: Netease cloud music | litchi | station B | Himalayan FM audio: Video: the film "out of control player" was released last week. I believe many game players will go to the cinema to watch this film. Lost and suhuo also finished watching it quickly. Hurry to share a wave with you. Because it's a post viewing feeling, there are spoilers. Please pay attention. Participants: lost, suhuo op / Ed: wrecking ball - Miley Cyrus listen to: 00:01:32 expectations before the film release 00:02:30 comments after watching the film 00:05:07 content discussion 00:11:55 two games of freecity and lift itself in the film 00:30:50 summary more programs, please click the program below:

标签: 玩家