新关注 > 信息聚合 > PlayStation线上发布会将在9月10日凌晨举行


The Playstation online conference will be held in the early morning of September 10

2021-09-02 20:50:01来源: 游戏时光

PlayStation 官方宣布,将在北京时间 9 月 10 日凌晨 4 点直播「PlayStation Showcase 2021」活动,时长 40 分钟左右。官方表示,届时将公开来自 PlayStation 第一方工作室和第三方厂商的相关新情报,涉及今年年末及之后发售的作品。这次活动不会涉及次世代 PlayStation VR 的情报。

Playstation officially announced that "Playstation showcase 2021" will be broadcast live at 4 a.m. Beijing time on September 10, lasting about 40 minutes. Officials said that relevant new information from the first-party studio and third-party manufacturers of Playstation will be released at that time, involving works sold at the end of this year and after. This activity will not involve the intelligence of the next generation Playstation VR.