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Daily morning news (September 6)

2021-09-06 07:36:23来源: 游戏时光

新闻简讯之前有消息称《心灵杀手 重制版》与《最终幻想7 重制版》出现在 Epic 游戏商城的数据库里,随着电商爆料《心灵杀手 重制版》的存在,《最终幻想7 重制版》登陆 PC 平台的可信度增加了。前索尼高管肖恩·莱登在接受彭博社采访时表示,在 PS5 时代游戏的开发成本可能会突破 2 亿美元。拓展阅读《向山进发》第4季先导PVTV 动画《向山进发 Next Summit》第 4 季公开先导 PV。视频链接《takt op.Destiny》新视觉图TV 动画《takt op.Destiny》公开新视觉图,本作将于 10 月 5 日播出。《恋爱要在世界征服后》新视觉图TV 动画《恋爱要在世界征服后》公开新视觉图,本作将于 2022 年播出。历史上的今天2000 年,《CAPCOM对SNK》在日本发售。2001 年,

Before the news bulletin, it was reported that "soul killer remake" and "Final Fantasy 7 remake" appeared in the database of epic game mall. With the e-commerce disclosing the existence of "soul killer remake", the credibility of "Final Fantasy 7 remake" landing on the PC platform has increased. Sean Leiden, a former Sony executive, said in an interview with Bloomberg that the development cost of games in the ps5 era may exceed $200 million. Expand the reading of the leading pvtv animation of season 4 of marching towards the mountain and the public leading PV of season 4 of next summit. Video link "takt op.destination" new visual map TV animation "takt op.destination" discloses a new visual map, which will be broadcast on October 5《 New visual map of love after World Conquest TV animation love after World Conquest opens a new visual map, which will be broadcast in 2022. Today in history, "Capcom vs SNK" was released in Japan in 2000. In 2001,