新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叙事总监确认,《战神:诸神黄昏》将继续一镜到底


The narrative director confirmed that the God of War: Twilight of the gods will continue to the end

2021-09-11 10:54:08来源: 游戏时光

2018 年的《战神》是系列的一次重大革新,其中一项巨大变化是,游戏采用了「一镜到底」的方式来展现奎托斯的整趟旅程。根据《战神:诸神黄昏》叙事总监 Matt Sophos 的说法,这款开发中的新作仍将继续一镜到底。Sophos 在社交媒体确认了这个消息。有网友问起新作是会继续一镜到底还是会有过场动画分割镜头,Sophos 简明扼要地回答:一镜到底,像 2018(那作一样)不间断的镜头。《战神:诸神黄昏》的总监由前作的 Cory Barlog 换为 Eric Williams,后者在多部系列作品中担任战斗设计师。另外,官方已经确认本作将会是奎托斯北欧之旅的终结。《战神:诸神黄昏》预计将在 2022 年发售,登陆 PS5 和 PS4。来源:社交媒体

The 2018 God of war is a major innovation in the series. One of the great changes is that the game adopts the way of "one mirror to the end" to show Kratos's whole journey. According to Matt Sophos, narrative director of the God of War: Twilight of the gods, the new work under development will continue to be reflected in the end. Sophos confirmed the news on social media. Some netizens asked whether the new work would continue to have a scene or a cut-off animation. Sophos answered concisely: a scene in the end, like the uninterrupted scene in 2018 (that work). The director of God of War: Twilight of the gods was replaced by Eric Williams, who worked as a combat designer in many series of works. In addition, officials have confirmed that this work will be the end of Kratos's trip to northern Europe. Ares: Twilight of the gods is expected to go on sale in 2022, landing on ps5 and PS4. Source: Social Media