新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《杀手3》「七宗罪」DLC第六弹「嫉妒」9月28日上线


The sixth play of "seven sins" DLC "killer 3" jealousy "went online on September 28

2021-09-24 16:17:14来源: 游戏时光

IO Interactive 宣布旗下潜行暗杀动作游戏《杀手3》大型付费拓展内容“七宗罪”的第六个章节“嫉妒”将于 9 月 28 日上线,并放出了本次更新内容的宣传片。玩家在新 DLC 章节中将重回修改过的门多萨地图,并得到一套全新的装备。玩家可以花费 4.99 美元单独购买本次更新,也能够以 30 美元获得全部七章更新内容。目前本作已追加支持简繁中文字幕。视频地址

IO interactive announced that the sixth chapter "jealousy" of the large-scale paid expansion content "seven crimes" of its sneak assassination action game "killer 3" will be launched on September 28, and released the promotional film of this updated content. Players will return to the modified Mendoza map in the new DLC chapter and get a new set of equipment. Players can buy this update alone for $4.99, or get all seven chapters for $30. At present, this work has added support for simple and complex Chinese subtitles. Video address