新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产冷兵器沙盒游戏《帝国神话》先行封测10月2日开启


The domestic cold weapon sandbox game "empire myth" was sealed first and opened on October 2

2021-09-24 15:59:55来源: 游戏时光

由安琪拉游戏研发的东方背景冷兵器战争沙盒游戏《帝国神话》,将于 10 月 2 日-10 月 10 日正式开启全球先行封测。本次测试开放 Steam Playtest 申请功能,即日起玩家可以通过《帝国神话》Steam 商店页面点击“请求访问权限”报名即有机会参加此次删档测试。测试资格将由 Steam Playtest 测试系统抽出。获得测试资格的玩家,将于 9 月 29 日起在各自的 Steam 绑定邮箱中收到 Steam 发出的测试邀请,同时也可以通过自己的 Steam 游戏库查看是否已包含“帝国神话 测试版”。Steam 商店页面游戏也对外放出了本次测试的官方宣传片。本次测试较 4 月 16 日全球封闭技术测试,全面开启了 64 平方公里大世界,等级上限也从 30 级提升至 60 级,游戏内容相较于此前也有

The Oriental background cold weapon war sandbox game Empire myth, developed by Angela game, will officially open the global first beta from October 2 to October 10. This test opens the steam playtest application function. From now on, players can click "request access permission" on the steam store page of Empire myth to register and have the opportunity to participate in the file deletion test. The test qualification will be extracted by the steam playtest test system. Players who have obtained the test qualification will receive the test invitation sent by steam in their steam binding mailbox from September 29. At the same time, they can also check whether the "empire myth beta" has been included through their steam game library. Steam store page game also released the official promotional film of this test. Compared with the global closed technology test on April 16, this test has fully opened a 64 square kilometer world, and the upper limit of the level has been raised from level 30 to level 60. The game content is also higher than before

标签: 游戏