新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贺州供电志愿者为留守儿童提过“双节”


Hezhou power supply volunteers for the left behind children mention "double"

2015-10-09 15:49:32来源: 中国电力新闻网

中电新闻网讯 通讯员 肖丹 报道 转眼又到中秋和国庆节,对于留守儿童来说,更需要亲人的呵护和关爱。近日,贺州供电局志愿者把从菜市场买好的包饺子材料和精心准备的灯笼装车,驱车前往富川县城北镇俩源村涴小...

electric news Reuters correspondent Xiaodan reported blink of an eye and the Mid Autumn Festival and national day, for the left behind children, need more family care and love. Recently, Hezhou Power Supply Bureau volunteers to from the lanterns of the food market to buy dumplings materials and careful preparation for loading, drove to the Fuchuan County North of the town of two yuan Cun wo...