新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迈克尔·杰克逊生前故事或将被拍成动画片(图)


Michael Jackson during his lifetime or story to be made into a cartoon (FIG)

2016-03-21 19:56:04来源: 中国新闻网

今日,著名编剧伊萨克·亚当森所撰写的剧本《泡泡》终于找到了制片商。引起网友关注的是,该剧本讲述的正是已故巨星迈克尔·杰克逊的故事,而“泡泡”正是他收养的一只黑猩猩的名字。 值得一提的是,影片或许并不按照“正常”的方式来拍摄,计划中,《泡泡》会被拍摄成一部风格独特的定格动画。据报道,《...

Today, the famous writer Isaac Adamson written script "bubble" finally found a producer. Fueled concern is that it is the screenplay about the late superstar Michael Jackson story, and "bubble" is his adoption of a chimpanzee's name. It is worth mentioning that the film may not be in accordance with the "normal" way to capture, plan, "bubble" will be shot into a unique style of stop-motion animation. According to reports, "...