新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游 2015教师节活动难忘恩师攻略

梦幻西游 2015教师节活动难忘恩师攻略

Fantasy Westward Journey 2015 teachers festival unforgettable mentor Raiders

2015-08-31 21:23:15来源: 17173

尊师重教 活动时间:活动期间全天 任务要求:等级≥30级,≥3人组队 玩法介绍:在活动期间,≥30级的玩家可以去长安城(238,115)处找到太学博士领取任务,为一直默默奉献的老师做些力...

respecting the activities time: during the event day mission requirements: grade is more than or equal to 30, more than or equal to 3 team play is introduced: during the activity, is more than or equal to 30 players can be found Taixue, receive the task Chang'an (238115), is always silently teacher what...

标签: 梦幻西游