新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦幻西游》手游变异宝宝获取攻略


"Dream swims on the west" Mobile Games variation as baby gets Raiders

2015-03-17 20:51:20来源: TechWeb

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Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games and end swim in variation of baby, so how exactly do they get? The baby Mobile Games variation Fantasy Westward Journey the following broad bean network Xiaobian bring Raiders will obtain your doubts. Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games variation obtained by capturing 1 baby way, obtained in the leveling in the scene, from outside the strange scene color can be distinguished. 2, senior treasure map dug kindergarten, have the opportunity to brush out the variation of Baby Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games variation pet introduced...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游