新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘雨柔自爆肉欲强埋怨男友 明星自揭重口味床事细节

刘雨柔自爆肉欲强埋怨男友 明星自揭重口味床事细节

Liu Yurou blew the carnal desire strong blame boyfriend star serve hardcore bed details

2015-01-14 16:41:53来源: 河北新闻网

女星刘雨柔因性事不满足甩掉男友 台涉陪睡女星刘雨柔在节目中公开自曝私生活,毫不避讳的大谈性事,令人瞠目结舌。刘雨柔还在现场被揭前男友的床上功夫不能满足她强大的肉欲,并因此而分手。 娱乐圈圈内...

actress Liu Yurou for sex does not satisfy the dump boyfriends and Taiwan related to accompany sleep actress Liu Yurou in the program publicly exposing private life, no taboo to talk about sex, a be struck dumb. Liu Yurou is also the scene is lifted the ex boyfriend in bed unable to meet her strong sensual, and therefore break up. In the entertainment circle...