新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大神F1火爆背后:千元机的配置,399元的价格


God of F1 hot behind: thousand yuan machine configuration, 399 yuan price

2015-06-11 18:51:50来源: 和讯网

短短3天的时间,从完成收编大神品牌到宣布大神F1 2G版与Plus版分别降价至499元与399元,周鸿祎的一系列“组合拳”打得众多手机厂商是措手不及,千元机以下市场的竞争也由激烈瞬间上升到惨烈。虽然...

in just three days time, from the completion of the incorporated God brand to announce God of F1 2G version and the plus version respectively the price to $499 and 399 yuan, Zhou Hongyi a series of "combination of boxing," played many mobile phone manufacturers are measures less, in thousands of dollars below the market competition also by intense moment rose to tragic. Although...