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今日数据趣谈:汤神8场得分超萌神20+ 勇士全胜

Today's data Bond: Tang God 8 game Super adorable God warrior 20+ victory

2016-03-28 23:48:47来源: 新浪

汤神不可阻挡 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月28日,今天2015-16赛季常规赛继续进行,共有5场比赛,以下为这几场比赛中出现的一些有趣数据。 在今天战胜小牛的比赛中,国王命中率高达62.2%(82投51中),创本季NBA球队单场第3高命中率。国王上一次单场打出如此高的命中率,是在20...

Tang God can not stop the sina sports hearing in Beijing in March 28th, today 2015-16 season regular season to continue, a total of 5 games, the following are some of the interesting data appear in the game. In today's victory over the Mavericks in the game, the king hit rate of up to 62.2% (82 in 51 of the vote), the season NBA team a single field of third high hit rate. The last time the king made such a high hit rate was 20...