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双卡双待双4G 小米Note官网报价1399元

Double card double stay double Note 4 g millet website offers 1399 yuan

2016-03-11 13:08:48来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线江苏行情) 在今年,小米一改往日“没有设计就是最好的设计”这一传统,大谈产品设计和制造工艺,我们也在小米4身上看到了其所做的努力。而刚刚发布的小米Note则在设计和制造工艺上再进一步,加...

(zhongguancun online) in jiangsu province in the year, millet should allow "no design is the design of the best" this tradition, talk about the product design and manufacturing process, we also on millet 4 saw its efforts. While the millet Note has just been released on the design and manufacturing technology further, add...