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OPPO R9 Plus专业模式拍照 让手动变成乐趣

OPPO R9 Plus professional model photos Manual into fun

2016-04-11 16:48:25来源: 天极网

【天极网手机频道】“长续航拍照旗舰”OPPO R9 Plus致力于让大多数用户都能轻松拍出画质出色的照片,因此其默认的自动模式可谓非常易用。当然对于那些比较专业的用户,OPPO R9 Plus也有着界面新颖、功能强劲的“专业模式”,让用户可以个性化设置各种照相参数,拍出更有意思的照片,让...

"Long life photograph yesky mobile channel 】 【 flagship" OPPO R9 Plus is dedicated to make the majority of users can easily take good quality photos, so the default automatic mode is very easy to use. Of course for those who are more professional users, OPPO R9 Plus also has a new interface, strong "professional model", let the user personalized Settings can be all kinds of camera parameter, the more interesting photos, let...