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5.7英寸八核 三星Galaxy S6 Edge+上手视频

5.7 inches eight core Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ started video

2015-08-19 01:12:26来源: dospy智能手机网

Dospy获悉,今日国外机友放出了三星Galaxy S6 Edge+的上手视频,让我们先睹为快。 硬件配置方面,三星Galaxy S6 Edge+采用了5.7英寸、分辨率为2560x1440 QH...

Dospy was informed that today foreign friends released the video to get started Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. Let us preview. Hardware configuration, the Samsung S6 Edge+ 2560x1440 uses a 5.7 inch, resolution of QH Galaxy...

标签: 视频 三星