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西媒盘点存在大气层的星球:大气导致金星成 "地狱"

Western media inventory of the atmosphere of the planet: atmospheric lead to 8 month Venus "hell" refer to the

2015-08-11 21:41:05来源: 参考消息

参考消息网8月11日报道 西媒称,地球的大气层可以保护我们,并推动生命的发展。但地球并不是唯一一个拥有大气层的行星。其他星球也存在大气。 据西班牙《趣味》月刊5月号报道称,对其他星球大气层的研究一直是一个有趣的科研领域。得益于天文望远镜在15世纪末至16世纪初问世,人类对太空有了最初的...

News reported on the 11th Western media said that Earth's atmosphere can protect us, and promote the life development. But the earth is not the only one with the atmosphere. Other planets also exist in the atmosphere. According to Spain's "fun" magazine, reported in May, the study of other planets atmosphere has been an interesting research area. Thanks to the telescope in the end of fifteenth Century to the beginning of sixteenth Century, human beings have the initial...