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Dragon Warrior novels "dictatorships Shadowbane, chapter three

2015-06-06 16:58:12来源: 7k7k小游戏

上一章 三.导师!亚伦? 破败的村庄废墟上。。。“镇长爷爷,还没找到龙斗士哥哥吗?”歌莉的语气中开始着急起来。“没办法啊,村子被破坏的太严重了,我有抽调人手去后山找,但天寒大人的坠落地点附近只有...

chapter three. Mentor! Aaron dilapidated villages ruins on. "Mayor grandfather, did not find the Dragon Warrior brother?" Connie's voice began to worry. No way, ah, the village destroyed too serious, I have to deploy staff to go after the mountain looking for, but our adults fall near the site of the only...