新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张奔斗:张帅不是李娜 但她同样是极好的人生样本

张奔斗:张帅不是李娜 但她同样是极好的人生样本

Ben Chang Doo: Li Na Zhang Shuai not but she is also an excellent sample life

2016-01-24 11:41:03来源: 新浪

张帅 新浪体育讯 为什么我们为一个世界排名第133位球员的故事感动不已?因为我们在她的身上看到了自己。 张帅不像李娜那样天赋异禀,李娜简直就是为了网球而生,而张帅却曾一次次无奈自问:“为什么...

Zhang Shuai AP's why we as a world player ranked No. 133 touched by the story? Because we see myself in her. Unlike Zhang Shuai Li Na as gifted, Li simply born to tennis, and Zhang Shuai, but had no choice but to ask ourselves again and again: "Why ...