新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大发亚冠客战城南海报:高拉特“摧城拔寨”


Hengda made the AFC at South poster: LVL "Cuichengbazhai"

2015-05-17 15:47:22来源: 新浪

恒大亚冠海报 新浪体育讯 2015亚冠1/8决赛首回合,恒大客场挑战城南一和,今天恒大官方发布了亚冠海报。海报主角为恒大进攻核心高拉特,只见高拉特站在一座快要倒塌的城池面前,双手叉腰略显霸气,寓...

Hengda AFC Champions poster of sina sports dispatch the first leg of the 2015 AFC Champions League finals, Hengda challenge South Road and today Hengda official released AFC posters. Posters protagonist Hengda offensive core LVL, saw the LVL standing in front of a dilapidated city, hands akimbo somewhat domineering, combine...