新关注 > 信息聚合 > 城市副中心相关规划正在编制中 面积约155平方公里

城市副中心相关规划正在编制中 面积约155平方公里

Urban sub center related planning is in the preparation of an area of about 155 square kilometers

2016-05-26 15:25:00来源: 千龙

原标题:面积约155平方公里 相关规划正在编制中 城市副中心社区配套将超中心城 千龙-法晚联合报道 昨天(25日),北京市系列形势政策报告会的最后一场在通州召开,市规划委副主任王飞对正在编制中的北京市总规和城市副中心规划进展与亮点进行详细解读。 王飞介绍,北京未来一段时间的发展...

Original title: area of about 155 square kilometers planning is being prepared in vice city center community supporting Super Center City Qianlong - France late joint report yesterday (the 25th), Beijing series of the situation and policy report will be a final held in Tongzhou, City Planning Commission deputy director Wang Fei of being prepared in the Beijing City master plan and urban vice center planning progress and highlights on detailed explanation. Wang Fei introduction, the development of Beijing in the future for some time...