新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首家C2M电商亮相 或将开启成本价消费时代

首家C2M电商亮相 或将开启成本价消费时代

First c2m electric appearance or will open the cost price of consumption era Bi Sina

2015-08-05 15:36:30来源: 新浪

毕胜称将开启成本价消费时代 花200元就能买到奢侈品品质的商品?这在以往看来违背传统商业甚至电子商务规律的消费场景,也许不久的将来将在全零售行业得以实现。原垂直电商乐淘网创始人毕胜,7月30日携其用近两年时间打造的C2M平台——必要商城正式亮相,宣告一种新的电商模式从此诞生。 ■...

Sheng said it would open the cost of consumption of time spend 200 yuan will be able to buy luxury quality goods? This in the past seems to be contrary to the traditional business and even e-commerce law of the consumer scene, perhaps the near future will be achieved in the whole retail industry. Original vertical electric business scouring network founder Bi Sheng, in July 30th with its use of the C2M platform in the past two years to build - necessary mall officially unveiled, declaring a new electricity supplier model from birth. Li...

标签: 电商