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神秘而唯美!盘点动画中的歌特萝莉装美少女 《蔷..

Mysterious and beautiful! Inventory animation a goth girl from a beautiful girl "qiang..

2016-04-21 00:09:51来源: 新华报业网

哥特萝莉装经常做为一种萌元素出现在动画中,这类服装风格模仿英国维多利亚时代的宫廷式服装,融合有宗教意义的,或符文、六芒星、骷髅等图案,整体上呈现黑暗而唯美的特点,穿着这样服装的妹子通常都很有自我主见,有自己的行事主张和特有的执着。 今天我们就来盘点一下动画中身穿歌特萝莉风格服装的美少...

Goth girl pack often appears as a primary element in animation, this kind of clothing style imitating the court of the British Victorian style clothing, fusion has religious significance, or the rune, six-pointed stars, such as skeleton pattern, dark and aesthetic characteristics of presents on the whole, the sister of this dress is usually have self independent, have their own ways and characteristic of the persistent. Today we're going to take stock animation in a gothic girl style clothing beauty less...