新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾各类卖场每年弃置剩余食品价值40亿元新台币


Taiwan's annual surplus disposal of various types of food stores $ 4 billion New Taiwan dollars

2016-05-07 18:38:19来源: 环球网

新华社台北5月7日电(记者李来房 陈键兴)台湾主妇联盟环境保护基金会最新公布的调查报告显示,全台各类卖场每年弃置的剩余食品价值高达40亿元(新台币,下同),其中大型量贩店每年弃置剩食约30.8亿元,一般超市则为7.3亿元。 台湾卫生福利主管部门日前也公布调查结果显示,台湾各类型通路商...

Investigation Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, May 7 (Reporters Li Laifang and Chen Jianxing) - HUF Taiwan Environmental Protection Foundation recently released data show, the residual value of Taiwan's various types of food stores per year discarded up to 40 billion (NT $, the same below ), which disposed of large discount stores leftover food every year about 3.08 billion yuan, 730 million yuan, compared with the general supermarkets. Health and Welfare department in charge of Taiwan, recently released survey results show that Taiwan's various types of distributors ...