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科比大笑热情拥抱加索尔 旧友令他脸上重现阳光

Bryant laughed Gasol embraced old friends to his face reproduce sunlight

2016-01-29 14:12:13来源: 网易

网易体育1月29日报道: 北京时间1月29日,湖人在主场91-114惨败给公牛。这场比赛对于湖人球迷来说,又是一次“情怀之战”,因为这是科比最后一次在斯台普斯与加索尔交手。 科比也非常期待这场比...

NEW YORK, January 29 reports: Beijing January 29, the Lakers at home to 91-114 defeat to the Bulls. The game for the Lakers fans, but also a "feeling of the war", because this is the last time Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol at Staples grips. Bryant also really looking forward to this than ...