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2015 Guizhou liberal arts college entrance exam released

2015-06-24 19:08:52来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线讯 2015年贵州省高考成绩已经公布,兴义八中学生马欢以714分的成绩勇夺贵州省文科状元;常青、向佳旋两名同学以695分并列贵州省理科状元。 各地高考分数线(红色已公布):

China Education Online News 2015 Guizhou Province college entrance examination results have been published, Xingyi eight students Ma Huan to 714 achievements won the champion of Liberal Arts in Guizhou Province; evergreen, to spin two classmates to 695 points tied for Guizhou Province science scholar. Around the entrance exam score (red has been announced):