新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佛山92号汽油价格差点“破6”


Foshan No. 92 gasoline prices almost "break 6"

2015-01-14 19:12:29来源: 中国新闻网

市发改部门相关负责人表示,争取尽早出台并实施新的燃油附加费标准 国内成品油价格13日零时迎来今年首次调整 羊城晚报讯记者李程、通讯员陈昌明摄影报道:国内成品油价格13日零时迎来今年首次调整,因...

Municipal Development and Reform Department of the relevant responsible person said, introduced as soon as possible and implement the domestic refined oil prices fuel surcharge standard new 13 days of zero hour in this year for the first time to adjust the Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Cheng, correspondents Chang Ming Chen photo coverage: the domestic refined oil price 13 in this year for the first time at 0:00 on the adjustment, because...