新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾教授连续十年资助湖北大学学子 亲自面试每个..

台湾教授连续十年资助湖北大学学子 亲自面试每个..

Taiwan professor for ten consecutive years funded students in Hubei University personally interview each..

2015-11-04 07:07:42来源: 长江网

近日,湖北大学第11届慈缘奖助学金颁发仪式上,该校“楚天学者”特聘教授叶正涛亲自为30名学生颁奖。叶正涛是台湾人,他连续十年资助湖大贫困学子,对于每一个资助的学生,他都亲自面试。 叶正涛是国际着...

recently, Hubei University student the 11th CI yuan award gold award ceremony, the school "Chutian scholar" Professor 430062) personally award of 30 students. ) is a Taiwanese, he for ten consecutive years Lake funding poor students, for every funded students, he personally interview. Ye Zhengtao is international...