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Three lost time and return to the memory

2015-06-20 10:30:29来源: 新浪网

三文 事实上,每一个年代的爱情,都有各自的历史痕迹。50年代的单纯,60年代的压抑,70年代的扭曲,80年代的觉醒和挣扎……再看看90年代的颓废和新世纪以来的严重物化,大抵可以印证不同年代的世道人心。 ——野夫《1980年代的爱情》 每逢上海电影节,总是梅雨日。当我坐在上海影...

the fact that every time love, all have their respective traces the history of. 50 years of simple, the 60's repression, the distortion of the 70's, 80's awakening and struggle...... Then have a look 90 years of decadence and serious matter since the new century, probably can be confirmed in different world. -- "1980's" wild love at the Shanghai Film Festival, always rainy day. When I was sitting in the shadow of Shanghai...