新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘嘉玲法国花园派对酒不离手 获授勋一脸喜色

刘嘉玲法国花园派对酒不离手 获授勋一脸喜色

Carina Lau French garden party wine not from the hand won a decorated face lit up with pleasure

2015-06-20 00:25:20来源: 中国青年网

刘嘉玲身处法国玫瑰山庄酒庄(Chateau Montrose),于当地时间6月18日同样获得授勋“左岸名庄骑士荣誉会员”。 腾讯娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,刘嘉玲的丈夫梁朝伟本月初在港获得法国颁赠“...

Carina Lau living in France Rose villa Chateau (Chateau Montrose), local time on June 18, also get decorated "left bank name Chevalier honorary member". Tencent entertainment news according to Hongkong media reports, Carina Lau's husband Tony Leung earlier this month in Hong Kong was awarded the french"...