新关注 > 信息聚合 > 48岁周海媚晒新发型 网友:好似花师奶(图)

48岁周海媚晒新发型 网友:好似花师奶(图)

A 48 year old Zhou Haimei sun new hairstyle users: like flowers housewife (Figure)

2014-08-17 10:42:18来源: 水母网

周海媚晒新发型 据香港媒体报道,艺人周海媚(海味)日前完成内地剧集《武则天》的拍摄后,急不及待换了一个新发型,海味还将照片上传到微博:“换个发型,换个心情”结果她的鬈发大获 好评,网友都大赞“...

Kathy Chow sun new hairstyle according to Hong Kong media reports, the artist Kathy Chow (seafood) recently completed filming the mainland drama "Wu Zetian" after, eager for a new hairstyle, seafood will be according to upload to micro Bo: "a change of hairstyle, change the mood of" great acclaim in her curls, users have praised the...