新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了德玛西亚 超神之路迎来版本大更新

为了德玛西亚 超神之路迎来版本大更新

In order to de Marcia road to God usher in a major update version

2014-12-19 10:48:10来源: 多玩游戏

3D版LOL剧情手游《超神之路》,今日正式迎来版本大更新。在本次的更新中,除了新增挂机系统外,更有全新的圣诞专属英雄供你选择!英雄们,是时候进入这掌上瓦罗兰大陆中,畅享指尖超神的快感了! 挂机系...

games story "Mobile Games road to God", usher in a major update version officially today. In this update, in addition to the new hang system, more new Christmas exclusive hero for your choice! Heroes, is the time to enter the palm Valoran continent, enjoy the pleasure of the super fingertips! Hook line...