新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大连Jeep牧马人优惠3.58万元 店内现车

大连Jeep牧马人优惠3.58万元 店内现车

Recently, the Dalian Jeep Wrangler preferential 35800 yuan store inventory

2015-09-04 20:07:24来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,编辑从大连中升搏勒汽车销售服务有限公司了解到,Jeep牧马人优惠3.58万元,店内现车。感兴趣的朋友不妨关注一下。详情请见下表: 牧马人优惠车型价格表 车型名称厂商指导价现价优惠幅度现车情...

, editor from Dalian Zhongsheng Bo Le automobile sales and Service Co., Ltd., to understand, Jeep Wrangler preferential 3.58 million yuan, store inventory. Interested friends may wish to pay attention to. Details please refer to the following table: Wrangler models preferential price list models MSRP price discount car...