新关注 > 信息聚合 > A Pink郑恩地随着音乐随意起舞 孙娜恩不禁大呼好..

A Pink郑恩地随着音乐随意起舞 孙娜恩不禁大呼好..

A Pink Endi Zheng music dance Sun Naen couldn't help shouted, good..

2014-09-17 11:06:01来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:A Pink成员郑恩地在新一期的《A Pink Showtime》中,伴着音乐随意乱舞,引得成员们纷纷大呼好可怕。音乐刚一响起,成员恩地便立刻脱鞋,全身心投入到音乐的世界中,跟着节奏打拍子...

core tip with: A Pink member Zheng Endi in the new edition of the "A Pink Showtime", with music freely flurry, inviting members have shouted awful. The music just sounded, member en immediately take off shoes, devoted to the music world, follow the rhythm of the beat...