新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015京津冀全民健身大舞台走进通州


2015, Tianjin and fitness stage into the Tongzhou

2015-06-15 16:14:50来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 作为国内两项知名度较高的群众体育赛事,2015“海尔斯健康鞋”杯京津冀全民健身大舞台和2015北京市民“姚记扑克”大赛,今日携手走进通州区潞城镇。 徐雅芬 摄 作为国内两项知名...

China News Network participate in interactive () as the two high-profile sport competitions, 2015 "Hales health shoes" cup of Beijing, Tianjin and fitness stage and 2015 Beijing residents Yaoji poker competition. Today, hand in hand into the Lucheng Town, Tongzhou District. Xu Yafen photo as the two well-known domestic...