新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手足口病高发3岁及以下儿童尤需注意


A high incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease children under 3 years old and especially pay attention to

2016-05-14 11:47:48来源: 大河网

□本报记者 马晓非 通讯员 唐丽红 前几天,市民刘女士心里一直不安,她发现3岁的儿子嘴里长出了许多小泡,结果被诊断为手足口病。 “手足口病是由多种肠道病毒引起的一种儿童常见传染病,全年均可发病,每年的4月至5月是高发期。”许昌市疾病预防控制中心流行病防治科科长张巧红对记者说,“手...

- our reporter Ma Xiaofei correspondent Liu li-hong tang a few days ago, citizens have been disturbing, she found her 3-year-old son grow a lot of vesicles in the mouth, the results were diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease. "Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by a variety of intestinal virus, a children's common diseases throughout the year all can come on, every year is the period from April to may." The authors centers for disease control and prevention, epidemic prevention and control of coco long qiao-hong zhang told reporters that "hand...