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5.28下架大量服饰 快来抢购准绝版

5.28 off the shelf a large number of clothing fast to rush out of print

2015-05-27 12:04:19来源: 游久网

【商城】5.28下架大量服饰 快来抢购准绝版 尊敬的炫舞玩家: 在炫舞商城中,不再上架的商品被玩家们称作“绝版”。因为下架后再也买不到,所以绝版要比非卖品更加珍贵。 5.28月将有大量商品下架,就再也无法在商城中看到它们的身影。所以不要留下遗憾,在活动期间将心仪的商品赶紧抱回...

[mall] 5.28 off the shelf a dress quickly to snap up the quasi respect out of print dancer internationally: in dancer in the mall, no longer shelves of goods are internationally are referred to as the "out of print". Because the shelf could not buy, so to sell more precious than out of print. 5.28 months there will be a large number of goods shelves, you can not see them in the mall. So don't leave a regret, in the event will be the right to hold the right to hold back...