新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国庆七天乐! 《超级地城之光》冲级送iPhone 6s!

国庆七天乐! 《超级地城之光》冲级送iPhone 6s!

National day seven days! "Super light" leveling send iPhone 6s!

2015-09-29 16:26:50来源: 多玩游戏

临近国庆小长假,由盛大游戏携手韩国Eyedentity Games打造的3D嗨萌乱斗手游《超级地城之光》即将携手国庆新版本特别带来专属国庆嘉年华,大量好礼回馈!海量金币宝石、限量时装,还有超多钻石七...

approaching National Day holiday, the grand game to join the build Korean Eyedentity games 3D hi Meng scuffle tour, "super city lights" are going hand in hand day version brings special exclusive National Day Carnival, a lot of gifts back! Massive gold jewelry, limited fashion, and more than seven diamonds...