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调整市场定位 大众全新辉腾或推迟发布

Adjusted market positioning new Volkswagen Phaeton or delayed

2015-08-24 10:25:20来源: 爱卡汽车网

如果编辑说出“低调奢华”这四个字的话,相信绝大多数卡友的第一反应就是大众辉腾。但是,大众这辆“低调奢华”大型轿车的第二代车型将会推迟发布,并且将适当调整这款车型的市场定位。 大众2015款辉腾 ...

If you edit say "low-key luxury," the words, I believe that the vast majority of cardholders first reaction is Volkswagen Phaeton. However, Volkswagen car "low-key luxury" second-generation large car models will be delayed, and the appropriate adjustments to market positioning of this model. 2015 Volkswagen Phaeton models ...