新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天津危险品仓库剧烈爆炸 附近居民楼受损内景曝光..

天津危险品仓库剧烈爆炸 附近居民楼受损内景曝光..

Tianjin dangerous goods warehouse violent explosions near residential buildings damaged interior exposed Sina..

2015-08-13 12:44:30来源: 新浪

经过爆炸现场附近的卡车 8月12日晚,天津滨海新区瑞海国际物流公司危险品仓库集装箱堆场起火爆炸。爆炸产生的冲击波导致轻轨东海路站建筑及周边居民楼受损。据央视新闻今日早间7时许发布的最新消息,目前...

after the truck near the scene of the explosion on the evening of August 12, Tianjin Binhai District Ruihai International logistics company risk goods warehouse container yard caught fire and exploded. The shock wave caused by the explosion caused damage to the building of the East China Sea Road station and the surrounding residential buildings. According to the latest news CCTV news today morning issued 7 o'clock, at present...