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安以轩与考拉互动 调皮嘟嘴卖萌(组图)

Ady and koala interactive naughty duzui sell Meng (Photos)

2015-08-25 19:27:40来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月25日电 今日下午,安以轩通过微博晒出一组与考拉互动的美照,并留言称,“可以带回家吗?可以带回家吗?可以带回家吗?(重要的事要说三遍)你本人比照片上可爱”。 照片中,安以轩穿着红色外套、戴墨镜与考拉互动,并在一旁嘟嘴卖萌。网友看到照片后纷纷留言,“好美啊,女神”、“好可爱”...

China News Network Beijing August 25) afternoon, ady through the microblogging drying out a group with the koala interaction according to the United States and message said, "to take home with you? Can you bring home? Can you bring home? (the important thing to say three times) you are more lovely than the photos ". In the photo, Ady Ann is wearing a red coat, wearing sunglasses and koala interaction, and act loving aside duzui. Users see the photos have a message, "ah, the goddess", "cute"...

标签: 安以轩