新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安以轩合影陈妍希 无名指戴钻戒疑好事将近(图)

安以轩合影陈妍希 无名指戴钻戒疑好事将近(图)

Ann photo sorry ring diamond ring suspected good nearly (FIG.)

2017-01-30 19:03:13来源: 国际在线

安以轩与陈妍希合影 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,安以轩趁着放年假空档时,与好姐妹相约聚会并且探望她们的小孩,姐妹们不仅聊到忘我,还拍照留下难得聚首的回忆,不过有眼尖网友发现,安以轩与陈妍希的合照中,无名指上竟然戴着钻戒,顿时引发热烈讨论,纷纷推测好事是否将近? 安以轩难得趁着空档...

Ann and sorry Tencent entertainment - Put annual leave according to Taiwan media reports, Ann took advantage of the gap, the party and to visit their children with good sisters, sisters not only talking about ecstasy, also photographed a rare together memories of, but a sharp-eyed netizens found that a photo of Ann and michelle Chen, wore a diamond ring on the third finger unexpectedly, immediately triggered a heated discussion, nearly have speculated that good? Ann seldom took advantage of the gap...

标签: 安以轩