新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买显卡送游戏鼠标 翔升金刚狼GT740 2G D5京东限..

买显卡送游戏鼠标 翔升金刚狼GT740 2G D5京东限..

The graphics card to buy the mouse game Xiang litres of wolverine GT740 2 g D5 jingdong limit..

2015-07-30 10:02:38来源: 太平洋电脑网

作为NVIDIA在大陆的首家AIC,翔升旗下显卡一直以来都是走亲民路线,价格便宜量又足。现在,京东商城上翔升的爆款金刚狼GT740 2G D5显卡不仅打出558元的新低价,还赠送激光游戏鼠标,性价比...

As NVIDIA in the mainland's first AIC, flying under the flag graphics has always been taking populist line, quantity is also cheaper. Now, jingdong mall on xiang liters of hot style wolverine GT740 2 g D5 graphics hit 558 yuan of new low prices, not only was offering laser mouse game, price...

标签: 京东 游戏