新关注 > 信息聚合 > “海峡两岸大学生文化体验营”台北开启茶文化之旅


"Cross-strait College Culture Experience Camp" Taipei new agency to open tea culture tour

2015-01-26 14:52:38来源: 中国新闻网

中新社台北1月26日电 (记者 邢利宇 路梅)以“茶文化之旅”为主题的第二期“海峡两岸大学生文化体验营”26日在台北开营。 30位来自两岸近20所高校的大学生,未来8天将在台北、台中和高雄三个城市参加各种茶主题活动,包括听茶文化讲座、参观北埔茶文化博物馆和日月潭老茶厂等。 此次活...

in Taipei on 26 January, (reporter Xing Liyu, Lu Mei) to "tea culture tour" as the theme of the second phase of the "cross-strait College Culture Experience Camp" in Taipei on 26 camp. 30 from nearly 20 college students, the next 8 days will be in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung three city to participate in a variety of tea theme activities, including lectures, tea culture, tea culture museum and Riyuetan Pool to visit the Beipu old tea etc.. The live...