新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电商玩法升级,闪白条拿起大数据的魔法棒


Electricity providers play upgrade, flash ious picked up big data magic wand

2015-06-13 06:00:43来源: Tech2IPO

6月 12 日下午,独立支付及大数据授信服务闪钱包在北京介绍了旗下的消费金融业务——闪白条。与京东白条类似,闪白条也是基于用户在电商和社交等领域的大数据分析,确定授信额度,在合作伙伴的电商网站上为用...

6 June 12 afternoon, independent payment and big data credit service flash wallet in Beijing introduced its consumer finance business, flash IOUs. Similar to Jingdong IOUs, flash IOUS is based on users in the field of business and social data analysis, determine the line of credit, in partnership with the business on the site for the use of...

标签: 电商 大数据