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数据兴城 游族在沪推创业平台瞄准大数据

Family data in Xingcheng swim in Shanghai push poineering platform aimed at the large data

2015-10-12 11:38:23来源: 17173

本新闻由游族网络供稿 10月12日消息,由上海市经信委与交通委联合主办、游族网络赞助并独家冠名的“游族杯”上海开放数据创新应用大赛(简称SODA大赛)昨日举办线下交流活动,游族网络首席投资官何彬出席并发表主题演讲,他认为目前大数据驱动智慧城市建设已进入实战阶段, 而立足于上海发展的游...

news by family Travel Network feeds on October 12, by the Shanghai Municipal Commission by letter and the Transportation Committee jointly organized, travel family network sponsored and exclusive title of "family travel cup" Shanghai open data application innovation contest (referred to as soda contest) yesterday held the line of communication activities, family network chief investment officer Hebin swimming attended and delivered a keynote speech, he thinks the data drive the wisdom of urban construction has entered the phase of actual combat, and based on the development of Shanghai tour.

标签: 大数据